I just saw a link to "Expert Software Testing Certification" for only US$9.95.
It cracked me up!!! Will 40 multiple choice questions ensure that I am an expert?
There is a real danger with certification becoming meaningless, and it WILL damage our profession. The key to a profession I believe includes some of the following elements:
- Common terminology and standards
- Shared body of knowledge
- Competency development programmes and recognition schemes (e.g. certification)
- Representative bodies
- Recognition by employers and legislators
Yes, I created a Certification program a long time ago and we continue to offer it widely (
http://www.kjross.com.au/page/Training/Certified_Software_Test_Professional/). And I believe Certification can add value, but if Certification doesn't help to develop and assess competency then it will be doomed. If people become certified and they are not competent, then the recognition of the profession will be damaged.
I think focusing purely on the exam is a big problem. For individuals this is the main driver, they want the piece of paper! I remember as a university student, the endless swotting & cramming, and many students not caring about the subject they were studying, avoiding lectures, and doing whatever it took to pass the exam and get the credit.
For the most part, participants in our certification are funded by the employer. For the employer, they want to see skills development and recognition. If their employees sit in a training course, they want them coming out being more competent. They want to ensure that the certification process ensures that recipients exhibits and develop competency in specific areas.
The exam should be considered a secondary goal, just an assessment method that measures competency. Yet for many it is the primary goal. The primary goal should be competency development.
I dont like multiple choice exams, but any exam on its own is not enough. There needs to be multiple methods to assess competency, this should include:
- participation in practical exercises, understanding and demonstrating skills
- demonstration of workplace competency
- proof of understanding through completion of individual assignments
- engagement with experts where they can demonstrate understanding of key concepts
It is costly to build these into a certification programme, but that should be the goal. We need to make sure people dont slip through, those that do will devalue the certification, and others that have completed it.
It really frustrates me when I hear people say "let's do the 1 day course and then sit the exam". I would be happy if they felt they were already competent, and they just wanted the recognition. But for most, they do not have the competency in the specified areas, and they are just looking for the fastest way to swot for the piece of paper. Will they be competent???